This page is meant to address commonly asked questions we hear! We are always open to suggestions and make improvements to our

  • What's with all the "registration steps"?

    The registration steps ensure that each user provides their own information to the cryptographic process that generates the distributed key.
    Previously, we relied on the vault creator to provide some data for the other users. This meant less steps but meant for a less secure DKG process if the dealer was either malicious or their machine was compromised in some way.

    *Nov 2023 Update! We now have a method that allows you to automatically register:
    Info: Registration (Info)
    Function: automateRegistration

  • How and why do you use the smart contract?

    We use a smart contract to primarily act as data storage. Our goal with Intu was to be entirely decentralized, without any reliance on any 3rd parties, other networks, or any other dependenncy.

  • MPC or AA?

    An EOA is your core identity within Web3. Account abstraction allows for additional functionality, but adds an additional layer of complexity and overhead as well. We think that Web3 accounts are stronger with MPC technology like Intu's and Account Abstraction can be combined.

  • Why do you use percentages for thresholds instead of set numbers?

    By using percentages, we can always determine the threshold (number of signers needed) of your choosing even if you add or remove participants.
    As an example, if you were to set a threshold of 4 when you have 4 total participants - and were later to remove a user - then you would have an impossible level of threshold to reach (4 threshold 3 users). This is a common question and we do look to address it in a more straightforward way in the future.

  • How are the 'shares' stored?

    The shares are encrypted with a signature from the user, and stored on chain. We took this approach so that we could be truly decentralized, without any reliance on any 3rd parties for storage or computation, just the EVM.