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WebKit: npm version
Web: npm version
Node: npm version

INTU offers three versions of our SDK, allowing you flexibility and choice for whichever method suits your Dapp or Business.

The first is our WebKit, which is designed to quickly get a user from social login to using your Web3 application.

The second is our standard SDK, which provides all services and functions for you to build into your application as you see fit.
And it comes in two versions, frontend and backend. (web or node)

We recommend getting started with the INTU FIT toolkit

If You Want To...Best PathWhy It's Great
Add SSO Login->Web3WebKitExtend Web3 functionality to your App with just a SSO
Create complex applicationWeb/NodeCross chain interaction, complex smart contract interaction

Each section within build will outline functionality in both versions of the SDK.


The INTU Protocol results in an MPC account for the end user. This requires the developer or end user to know who the other participants in their MPC account will be.

If the other participants will not be humans, INTU offers the ability for the other signers to be any device that can run node.js.
Our node signer code is available here:
By running a node signer, you co-sign with your user in the creation of their MPC account. It also allows you the ability to build in additional rules or checks in the signing process. You could also submit transactions on behalf of your user! Claiming NFTS on their behalf without them needing to sign anything, or interact with Web3 directly.